Archive for the ‘General Chat’

Back to School

December 03, 2015 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

On Friday I went back to my old secondary school, to give an ‘inspirational talk’, and to present prizes on their Day of Excellence.

It was a wonderful day, and I really enjoyed being surrounded by such interesting, confident girls. It was fun to present prizes for things like academic achievement, social enterprise, and ultimate frisbee (!) It was great to pay tribute to Daisy, the wonderful, formidable principal, who sadly died some years ago.

I found myself thinking about the day I left, on the last day of my final state exams. On that day, I had no clear idea where my life was going, and I was somewhat intimidated at the thought of a future that wasn’t organised by timetables and teachers.

I wish I could go back in time, so I could talk to the 17-year-old me. I wish I could tell her that things were going to turn out fine – so fine that one day I’d be invited back to speak to the girls about my career in writing.

You never know how life is going to turn out!IMG_3664


(This post first appeared on


November 03, 2015 By: judicurtin Category: Books, Events, General Chat

Anyone who can remember last year’s post about my doll, Carol, will know that, as a child, I didn’t much care for dolls – mostly because they weren’t books. Even so, when I was about six, my uncle bought me another doll, called Honeybunch.
Here’s a picture of me (with very short hair) not looking particularly happy with my new toy.
I didn’t play with Honeybunch very much, and she spent a lot of her life in a dark attic, with her friend Carol. Now though, both Carol and Honeybunch come on tour with me. Recently they’ve been in Belfast, Derry, Cork and Waterford.
Here are some pics:

Packing for the big tour

Packing for the big tour

Enjoying the beach in Tramore

Enjoying the beach in Tramore



Napping in the car before an early event.

Napping in the car before an early event.


Being read to by Jack Lynch, the real Taoiseach of Ireland.

Being read to by Jack Lynch, the real Taoiseach of Ireland.

Carousel fun.

Carousel fun.


(This post first appeared on in November 2015)

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October rush

October 05, 2015 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Will post further October dates soon, but for now am off to Northern Ireland. Watch out for me this week in Eason Lisburn, Belfast, Derry and Coleraine. Carol is coming along to keep me company.

Remembering Daisy

September 03, 2015 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Even though I’ve long since given up teaching,and my children have moved on to university, for me, September will always be back to school month. That’s why today I’m remembering Daisy, the wonderful principal of my old secondary school, Regina Mundi.
In 1961, Daisy bought an old house and founded Regina Mundi, with 33 students and four teachers. By the time I went there the school had grown much larger, but it still had a homely feel, (maybe because Daisy actually lived there!)
Like most young people, I took my school for granted, and I have to admit that much of my time was spent hanging out with friends, and eyeing the boys walking out of their nearby school. Back then, Daisy was a scary figure, who could silence even the bravest girls with her steely stare. It was only when I went to college, and met girls from other schools, that I understood what a great educator Daisy was, and how very far far ahead of her time she managed to be. I was horrified when I learned that many girls schools didn’t offer science subjects and honours maths. I was speechless (in many languages) when I learned that ours was the only school that insisted we learn French, German and Latin as well as Irish and English. We were the only ones who had regular trips to art galleries and ballets and operas. Daisy gave us sex education classes, complete with lots of graphic illustrations on the blackboard, and while they were excruciatingly embarrassing, I now appreciate how brave and committed she was to do this.
Schooldays are supposed to be the best days of your life, and thanks to Daisy, mine definitely were!
(Pics are from Ann-Marie Desmond’s book about Daisy.)

(This post first appeared on


July 21, 2015 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

It’s time to admit it – I think I might be addicted to Scrabble. When we go on holidays, I’ve been known to play four or five games a day, (prompting some people to wonder why I don’t just stay at home and play in the comfort of my own living room).

I fear I might be the first person in the world to wear out a Scrabble set. I’ve had my travel Scrabble for more than twenty years, and it’s had a few repairs. The seams of the letter-bag have been restitched over and over, and the letters on the tiles have been gone over countless times with so-called indelible ink.

My poor old worn-out Scrabble set

My poor old worn-out Scrabble set

Recently though, I had to admit that it was time to say goodbye. It’s a long time since that particular set has been manufactured, so I had to buy a ‘vintage’ one online.

The all-new shiny Scrabble set.

The all-new shiny Scrabble set.

I’ve played with my new Scrabble a few times, and while it’s nice to be able to read the tiles without squinting, part of me misses my old friend.

How sad is that????

(This post first appeared on