I celebrated World Book Day a few days early at the big We❤️books event in Thurles. I was sharing the stage with the incredible Derek Landy, and I think it’s fair to say that everyone had a really good time (Well, Derek and I did anyway!)

Tour organiser, Tom Donegan had arranged everything beautifully, and the staff at The Source arts centre did an amazing job. The nice people from Bookworm in Thurles sold stacks of books, and distributed bookmarks, postcards and posters like they were going out of fashion.

There were 250 lovely and enthusiastic children in the audience. They listened attentively, and laughed in all the right places – i.e. pretty much all through Derek’s talk.
Derek and I told our life stories, including his very interesting take on a parallel universe. After that there was a Q and A, and the only problem was that there were far more questions than we had time to answer. Best question of the day was directed at me.
‘Judi, do you like the way Derek acts?’
My answer – ‘How long have you got?’
We had delicious pancakes in the on-site restaurant, and Tom presented Derek and me with our very cool limited-edition tour mugs. (One day these will be collectors’ items.)

Finally it was time for me to return to Limerick. I took the slow route, over the mountains. Sometimes only the long and winding road will do.