
May 24, 2019 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Lissadell House

I’m delighted to announce that I’m working on a new book, set in Lissadell House, in 1913. It tells the story of Lily, a young girl who has to leave school and work for a living. While at Lissadell, she meets lots of new friends, including Maeve, daughter of Countess Markievicz.

I’ve been loving the research for this book. I’ve done lots of reading, but the highlight was a visit to Lissadell House. Eddie Walsh and Constance Cassidy generously allowed me access to their home, and shared lots of stories about the past.

I’m very enthusiastic about this book, and am looking forward to its publication in September.

Watch this space!

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The Mystery Tour

April 10, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

The Mystery Tour - out now!

The Mystery Tour – out now!

I’m really happy that The Mystery Tour has finally hit the shelves.

I had great fun writing and researching this one. Lauren and Tilly go to London. There’s no time for sightseeing or shopping though, as it’s 1939 and World War Two has just started. The girls end up being evacuated to the country where they make lots of friends, and even have an adventure or two…..

A great display of my books in O'Mahony's bookshop, Limerick

A great display of my books in O’Mahony’s bookshop, Limerick